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Description: Designer Brand Factory Direct Outlet Handbags and Shoes Online Store. Shop your own genuine leather bags at first way price. Free Shipping and save up more.

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For orders below $10,000, the only acceptable forms of payment are bank wire transfer, or Western Union on

They offer all kinds of Celine Bags, Mulberry Bags,Michael Kors and mainly are shipped via Express Mail Service. Enjoy free shipping and only 7-15 work days delivery or Choose Faster Shipping(DHL) only 4-7 work days delibery. Please make sure your items, shipping address and recipient name and they don’t responsible for your lost shipment.

If you want to return your item, please contact their customer service team within 1-2 days when you received them. Please provide your name and order ID when contacting their customer service. All return items must keep their original condition. Not worn, altered or washed, with all tags attached, and you have to pay the return fee, shipping costs, restocking fee.

On Hotbagshunt,any Problem of your order, Don’t hesitate to contact them:

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