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Description: Shop chanel bags, louis vuitton bags, celine bags, hermes bags, YSL bags, Fendi Bags, Prada bags, Dior bags, Valentino bags online, Free shipping & returns !

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About the payment, they accept Credit Card, West Union and Bank Money Transfer now.

(1). They offer free shipping worldwide, The prices shown on their website all are including the shipping fee already.
(2). Shipment will be offered within 24 hours after you place the order. [How to pay it?]
(3). They will pack the bags and necessaries by good-quality carton carefully, then send it to you by By DHL/EMS/USPS/FEDEX shipment methods, They estimate the delivery time is within 3 ~ 4 days.
(4). The tracking number and tracking website will be informed by e-mail soon. Please don’t forget to check your e-mail including junk mailbox to check the delivery status to avoid missing the forwarder when the goods arrive your place.

(1). Please contact After Service firstly before you ask for a return or refund.
(2). The item must be returned in its original condition, unworn and unaltered in any way.
(3). They can’t accept a return or refund after you received the items for more than 7 days.
(4). Please pay the return-shipping fee if there aren’t any mistakes made by them.
(5). If you receive a free gift with your order, you must also return the free gift or you will be charged the purchase price of the free gift. This charge will be deducted from the credit applied to your account.
(6). If you place the order within 12 hours and want to cancel the order for special reasons, please contact their Customer Service immediately. They will arrange to make the refund for you soon.
(7). They will offer a refund soon after They receive and confirm the items. Please be noticed that you will send them an e-mail for the tracking information of the return items.

Address: No.196 Baiyun World Leather Trading Centre, Jiefangbei Rd, Guangzhou, China
Post Code: 516813

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