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The payment on is very security and guaranteed such as Visa, MasterCard, Western Union and Bank Transfer. You choose any one as you like. Please also feel free to contact them if you have any problem of payments or others.

All shipments are shipped directly from their warehouse in China
You will receive an email with a tracking number allowing you to track the progress of your shipment on the day your merchandise is shipped.
It could take up to 5 days for the shipping company to update their website with details of your shipment.

All returned items must be in brand-new condition, unused and with original tags and packaging. Requests to return items due to quality issues, damage during shipping, color/style/size error or allergic reaction from use must be accompanied by photos or other evidence that clearly shows the problem with the item received. They reserve the right to charge a handling fee on all items returned for other reasons.

For questions regarding order status and other after-sales support on Replicasales, please contact their professional online customer service representatives or email them. They normally respond to all tickets within 1 working day

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