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Description: Distributing replica handbags, Prada bags, Hermes Birkin Kelly, Fendi, Celine Purses, Saint Laurent bags, Fendi Tote bags

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1. Bank Wire Transfer
2. Western Union
3. Money Gram
4. Visa MasterCard Payment

Order is usually shipped in 2-3 days upon payment on , once your order is shipped, they will give you the tracking number by email and we will keep checking its shipping status for you until you receive the goods.
Usually EMS takes about 7-10 days to reach you, to some countries, it takes about 15 days.

If you are unhappy or unsatisfied with your purchases for these reasons(wrong items, wrong size, quality problems,or damaged during shipping), please contact them immediately at . You will be instructed where to return and how to retrun your replica bag or shoes through emails. In order to receive a refund or replacement smoothly, it is absolutely necessary for you to contact them before you are going to return any items.Also,to keep the returned bag(s) new and unused is an indispensable condition.

If you have any question, comments or suggestions, feel free to contact them on Ilovebagss .
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