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Although most packages arrive within 7 days it can take up to 15 days for you to receive your package.
Your package will pass through customs in your country and you may be asked to assist in clearance.
They are not responsible for taxes or tariffs on your packages. They try to avoid these costs with low value invoices.

Customer needs to send the products back to the designated returning address which will be provided to you by email. A full refund will be proceeded after receiving the returned package.Color aberration is existed due to the color effect by the PC monitor and lighting condition. The quality problem is not included with color aberration.Quality problem can be defined as obvious quality defects, not following the customization requirement of customer and size deviation from the original size criteria as well as required measurements.

Fakebagssale Business Email:replicasaleoutlet@gmail.com
Mon-Fri: …………………….. 8.30 to 18.30
Sat: ………………………….. 9.00 to 19.00

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