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Payment (Chinarepliabags Co.,Ltd) accepts wired transfer (T/T), major credit cards, Western Union, and letter of credit (L/C). For small to medium orders, they recommends Western Union for quick payment processing. Letter of credit (L/C) is available for very large orders only.

If Replicabags2015 is unable to verify the buyer’s identify or the shipping address, the order will be automatically cancelled after a few working days and the payment will be fully refunded immediately via the original form of payment.

They reserve the right to make a charge not exceeding their direct costs of recovering the goods if you do not return the goods or return them at their expense.
Once you have notified them that you wish to cancel the order, any sum debited to them will be refunded to you as soon as possible and in any event within 14 days of your cancellation.

If you have any question please get in touch.
Whatsapp, Email or Wechat via schalle-handbag
Address: Fala handbags co. ltd, 48 Harrison Ave, Freeport NY, New York, 11520, United States.

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