
We take the professional evaluation on this replica site
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Description: 9goods, 9goods.com 9goods.net, 9goods.co wholesale cheap clothes, jeans, shoes, bags.

Real Product Photos
Real Product Photos On 9goods.ru

They accept WesternUnion,MoneyGram,Bank Wire on 9goods.ru

Normally, their shipping way is Air-express by EMS, they can also shipping the package by UPS, but this ways cost more than EMS.
Usually, the shipping time is 5-7 work days .

They accept returns for these events only:
1. Clothes or shoes or bags have quality problems which caused by their Distribution Center. For example the shirt has a hole,the high heel is broken.Something like these.Returns must be made within 7 days after you receive their products.
2. Please choose carefully for the size you want when you purchase your clothes ,shoes. They don’t accept the returns for size problems.
3. The items you receive are not as described. If the items you received are not the ones you ordered on their website, 9goods accept this return, and it must be made within 3 days after you receive the items.

E-mail: 9goods@gmail.com

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