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Description: Designer Replica Handbags Online, High Quality. Find new and Fake Bags from luxury brands Dior, Fendi, Hemers, Prada up to 80% off

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They accept all major issued credit cards: Visa,MasterCard and JCB on
They also accept online money transfer ( Western Union, MoneyGram enjoy 10% discount) for online payment.

* The information needed for shipping is your full name, address and telephone number. Please be informed that they can send your order by ZIP CODE address, and PO Boxes or similar addresses are not available for shipping.
* Please ensure that you enter the address correct delivery and contact number.
* Please allow 7-10 days for delivery of your item.
* They will send you your tracking number in 36-48 hours after receiving your payment.

1. Products with quality problem in 7 days (from the date products were received) can be returned and refund.
2. Customer needs to send the products back to the designated returning address which will be provided to you by email. A full refund will be arranged after receiving the returned package.
3. Color aberration is existed due to the color effect by the PC monitor and lighting condition. The quality problem is not included with color aberration.
4. Quality problem can be defined as obvious quality defects, not following the customization requirement of customer and size deviation from the original size criteria as well as required measurements.

If you have any problems,please contact their online assistance team on Designerbagaaa.

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